Comment Policy and Guidelines

Last updated Feb 18, 2024, by Herby Jasmin, Editor-in-Chief.

Gotechtor creates beginner-friendly guides and free resources to help you get the most out of your technology. This comment section is a friendly and engaging environment for everyone to participate in.

We hope you follow these guidelines if you don’t want your comment removed from Gotechtor. Continuous abuse of this policy will result in a permanent ban on the IP address and email used.

Before commenting, please also consult the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which govern all content on, including anything you post in the comments. Accessing this website or leaving a comment indicates acceptance of these policies.

Comments Guidelines

The following applies to all comments posted on

1. Comment Name

We do not allow Keywords stuffed in the name field. You must use your name or nickname for commenting; otherwise, your comment will be flagged as SPAM and deleted.

2. Valid Email

Email addresses are required for commenting, and they are not published on the blog, nor shared. Email addresses that look like SPAM will be flagged as SPAM.

3. Language and Manners

This blog is written in English, so leave your comments in English. Gotechtor is a family-friendly site; any comment that includes offensive or inappropriate language and/or is considered rude will be deleted.

4. Stay on Point

A comment that does not add to the conversation runs off on an inappropriate tangent or kills the conversation may be edited, moved, or deleted.

5. Limit Links

We do like resources as they can be really helpful sometimes, but in order to prevent SPAM and assure quality, We must limit links on the comments. Do not add more than two links in the comment. If you do so, your comment will be added for further review.

6. What to Do If Your Comment Does Not Appear

Please be patient. All comments are moderated and are not approved right away. Please do not submit the same comment twice unless you think your original comment was not submitted correctly the first time.

7. Show Respect

If you disagree with a comment, feel free to respectfully and politely challenge that comment in a civil manner. In the interest of fair play, no personal attacks are permitted in this blog’s comments. You may question or argue the content without attacking the author or other commenters. Failure to respect fellow participants on this blog could result in removal and blocked access.

8. All Rights Reserved

We reserve the right to remove comments that violate these standards or are disruptive to the community without providing substantive debate. This includes personal feuds between commenters that deviate from the article being discussed. Please respect our writers and fellow commenters by keeping the conversation on topic.

If you have questions about our policy and guidelines or want to report abuse, please contact Gotechtor using our Contact Page.